Remember about two weeks ago, when we had that one beautiful day? No? That's okay, I'm pretty sure I would have forgotten to if I hadn't planted some Amish Sweet Pea's.

The kids and I were so excited to get a jump on seeding that we couldn't resist the temptation when the sun was in full effect. We started about twelve of the peas and twelve of the tomatoes. I made a small area available in the house for them. I mean after all it was only the first day in February. It was kind of a given that I couldn't just toss the seeds in the beds and expect everything to magically grow.

What I did 't expect was the craziness that took place over the last two weeks. Rain, ICE and Earthquakes? Yeah that happened, but what got me was how quickly everything was growing! I had a Medusa plant hanging out on my kitchen table. And two eager mini-me's trying to investigate them every two minutes. We have a few starts that I'm pretty sure aren't going to be joining us in the spring months. If need be I can always call on Ariel over at Humble Farm, LLC and join her new CSA program.

Thankfully, yesterday I was able to pull together more leftover wood from the remodel and build a vine climber. I'm not sure if that's what it's really called or not but that's how I'll be referring to it. I also was able to transplant the peas into yet another temporary bin. The new contraption and bin combo does make it a bit tricky to haul in and out of the house, but at least I can baby them for another few weeks.
It was fairly easy to put together. I just made some feet, attached the legs and added a cross-bar. I strung a bit of twine and transplanted the starts. I am always thrilled when I get to re-purpose materials around the house. Find the materials list at the bottom of the page.
Two equal length 1x1 wood pieces (I used about waist high)
two equal length 4x1 wood pieces( iused about 4 inches)
one additional 1x1
four screws or nails
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I always feel like I'm talking to myself, so help me out and write what you think :)
Thanks, Sherree